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Design for Skills Management Platform

How to manage team development, lots of teams, and lots of lots.

Project and Team

The project is aimed at companies that need to hire large numbers of people and train them as quickly as possible. For example, when we open a new store, we need to train a lot of people how to work on the exact cash register system or how to behave in case of fire alarm. The goal was to make a personal assessment, find possible or necessary growth zones and train people online in pre-designed courses.

I was in charge of wireframing and collaboration with UI-designer.


Systed has 2 roles: HR and worker. HR has overview of the all organisation’s workers, their learning progress and creating company courses or rent them from the experts. HR also could describe the positions, needed skills and how to check and train them.

Worker could participate in the targetet by HR or automatically courses and see personal development progress.

Service IA


According to the structure were created wireframes for every page. Cards approach were used exactly like in the language project.

Wireframe example